Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Artwork: Nene

Thought I would share a drawing I did the other day:

Nene, Hawaiian Goose

The most distinctive thing about the Hawaiian goose, and it's a pretty amazing thing indeed, is that it is the only goose adapted to live in the harsh environment of lava rock formations.  Their feet are less webbed than other goose species thus allowing them to claw their way over rocky terrain.  Sadly, they are one of the many endangered native species in Hawaii.  Thankfully conservation efforts are actively in place.  As a matter of fact, a small population of nene live about a half a mile away from me at the Honolulu Zoo.


  1. great drawing dave! fun to see you on here. You'll have to check our fam out at our blog. Although your backdrop is waaaaay prettier :)

  2. thanks :) although I can't take much create for the backdrop, I took it from the stock images that blogger provides :) and I look forward to checking out your blog
