Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hawaiian Sun soft drinks

Let me first say that prior to moving to Hawaii, I avoided soft drinks (all but diet Coke which I drank like water) as if they were plague.  I was one of those who thought drinking diet drinks was a good for my health--ya right!  Turns out that there are probably very few food items more dangerous on the planet than diet drinks--specially ASPARTAME.  (Go ahead and click the scary link to see the 92 listed side effects of this dastardly stuff--which is rumored to be a chemical byproduct of anthrax...)  I stopped consuming diet drinks when I moved to Hawaii and noticed a difference immediately.  I had more energy, my mood was improved, and I began to lose weight!  Insane, I know!

Anyway, this is not supposed to be an anti-aspartame commercial.  It's a Hawaiian Sun commercial!  And what, you ask, is Hawaiian Sun?  A really good brand of Hawaiian made soft drinks, that's what!  The ingredients are pretty much natural, and they taste really good.  Of course, I can't drink a ton of this stuff.  Too much sugar is bad too.  But when I chose to drink a soft drink, this is the stuff I chose.  My recent favorite is the Strawberry Lilikoi (passion fruit).  Some of the tea flavors are outstanding  (for a canned drink), like the Lite Green Tea and the Island Iced Tea.  Good stuff!


  1. Hey dude. Hm. Here's a page listing a group of reputable links (to the FDA, medical sites, MIT, doctors) debunking the claims made about aspartame:
    I think it's probably likely there were other factors contributing to your feeling better once you moved to Hawaii.
    Just thought you should know the facts -- not that I'm arguing you get hooked on diet sodas or whatever. Everything in balance and moderation, as they say.

  2. No real surprise the FDA wants to debunk the "anti" diet soda peeps. Did the FDA really ever have our best interests at heart, or is it their kickbacks that drive their agenda? Afterall, an organization that allows ketchup to be considered a vegetable in schools is hardly entirely sane. Sane at all? Anyway, as far as aspartame goes, from personal experience I can say that since I have stopped drinking it I a)have more energy--a lot more!, b) have less trouble sleeping and need less sleep (note: I still drink about the same amount of caffiene), c) stopped having headaches, d) my vision has begun to clear (I started having odd vision problems about a year ago), e) feel less down in general, f) am able to focus better, g) etc, well maybe you get the point. Whatever you say about aspartame, just the fact that it is an indigestible material kind of says volumes about what you are putting into your body. I, for one, do not miss it. I do know now just how much I missed the taste of a REAL Coke--ahhh!!!
